Top 10 Cards that Can Heal You in Hearthstone

Healing in HS is actually somewhat valuable compared to other card games, so in this video we’ll be looking at the 10 best healing cards of all time.

Edited by Pumkinswift

├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10-Antique Healbot: (0:08)
9-Spirit Lash: (1:46)
8-Mistress of Mixtures: (3:31)
7-Zilliax: (5:36)
6-Bloodreaver Gul’dan: (7:02)
5-Spice Bread Baker: (8:36)
4-Drain Soul: (10:15)
3-Aldrachi Warblades: (11:43)
2-Reno Jackson: (13:23)
1-The Demon Seed: (14:54)

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