Spell Mage is CRAZY FUN with… Skull of Gul’dan!?

Mage got a couple big buffs in the recent patch, making a Big No-Minion Mage deck look a lot more interesting and more fun.

Deck Code: AAECAc36AwLR+AW6pwYOgMIF8/IF7PYFv/4FpP8F8YAG9JsGsp4GsaAG5aYG5qYGs6cGuKcGhuYGAAA=
Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAc36AwLR%2BAW6pwYOgMIF8%2FIF7PYFv%2F4FpP8F8YAG9JsGsp4GsaAG5aYG5qYGs6cGuKcGhuYGAAA%3D
Power Level Estimate: I had a solid run with this deck, and some folks have hit legend with similar builds, but it’s not popping up as a contender in the data so far.

0:00 Deck Introduction
1:03 Deck Gameplay

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Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Spell Mage is CRAZY FUN with… Skull of Gul’dan!?