I COULD NOT LOSE with Plague Death Knight! | Early Access TITANS Gameplay

Today we highlight a few games from the latest Hearthstone theory crafting stream for TITANS where I took the newest archetype for Death Knight in Plagues and won nearly every game I played. Alongside the new TITAN Primus this deck has incredible early game, mid game, late game, and inevitability with endless plagues from Helya.

Giveaway video: https://youtu.be/CDfVLM-hO5c

Deck code: AAECAdOqBgSk7wTm5AWT+wXt/wUNlrcEkeQEkuQEh/YEsvcEkpMFopkFhaoF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FAAA=

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#Hearthstone #HS #Zeddy