I asked Card Game Players to send me a Hearthstone deck

In this video, Rarran asks a yugioh player, legends of runeterra player, a hearthstone world champion, a marvel snap player and so many more to make him a hearthstone deck.

Leo: https://twitter.com/MyntyPhresh
Snnuy: @Snnuy
Stevie: @StevieBlunderReal
BunnyHoppor: @bunnyhoppor
Zeddy: @ZeddyHearthstone
Snapster: @DekksterSnap
Warshack: @Warshack
Itsben: @ItsBen321
Roffle: @Roffle
Lt Eddy: @LtEddyHS
Trump: @TrumpSC

You should watch me live on Twitch:
▶Discord: https://discord.gg/AYThPma
▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/RarranHS
▶TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rarranhs

Edited By: https://twitter.com/MF_daveed

Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/dees_nook?s=21&t=_xDgUgGk84ra0NbuoHZO1g

#Hearthstone #Rarran #hs