(Hearthstone) This Guy’s Scythe Demon Hunter Deck Is Sweet!

(Return to Naxxramas Standard) 3 games: Rommath Mage
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Check out episode 5 of Brian’s new show Commander at Home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxODEqLckAU

Deck Code: AAECAf0ECIvnA53uA6CKBNu5BKOQBdShBZ+kBf3EBQvQ7AOu9wOfkgTcuQSjzgTa0ASAlgWQlgWqmAWrmAWnowUA

Music: Clementi Sonata in G Minor No.3, Op 50, ‘Didone Abbandonata’ , performed by Nathan Eckel