Hearthstone FINALLY has a new GAME DIRECTOR! Microsoft TAKEOVER of Blizzard TODAY?

Today we go over the discovery of the new Hearthstone Game Director. Who are they and what experience do they bring to the table? We also see hints of the Microsoft purchase of Activision Blizzard occurring as early as today.

Giveaway video: https://youtu.be/Oh-EpsT3_6k?si=amjn29H47OSeQvrp

Blisterguy Tweet: https://twitter.com/blisterguy/status/1712599498365751309

Drive to Work #831 w/ Tyler Bielman: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/magic-the-gathering-drive-to-work-podcast/id580709168?i=1000520668070

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#Hearthstone #HS #Zeddy