Hahaha I’m a Druid… with a big Primordial Protector.

The latest Castle Nathria deck I played is this Big Spell Primordial Protector Druid. It’s got all the staple Ramp cards but a different win condition stapled onto the top end by cheating big spells and big minions into play.

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAe2%2FBASJiwTxvwSY1AS%2B8AQN3uwDiZ8Erp8E2p8Ez6wE%2Bb0E%2F70E8L8ErsAE%2Bt0Ewd8EreUE2qEFAA%3D%3D
Deck Code: AAECAe2/BASJiwTxvwSY1AS+8AQN3uwDiZ8Erp8E2p8Ez6wE+b0E/70E8L8ErsAE+t0Ewd8EreUE2qEFAA==
Deck Power Level: Too early to know for sure, but felt solid.
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh

#CastleNathria #CastleNathriaDecks #regiskillbin

Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | Hahaha I’m a Druid… with a big Primordial Protector.