ENDLESS DEATHRATTLES!! Gorefiend, Gandling, & Gift Death Priest! | Scholomance Academy | Hearthstone

I’ve been trying my best to make Disciplinarian Gandling the actual centerpiece of a deck instead of just a bonus, and this Deathrattle Priest was designed to achieve exactly that goal. But still yet, it seems Gandling has taken a backseat to Gift of Luminance, which was absolutely insane in this Deathrattle Tempo Priest.

Decklist: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/19281-deathrattle-tempo-priest
Deck Level: Okay
Guide to Deck Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh

#ScholomanceAcademy #ScholomanceDecks #RegisKillbin

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | ENDLESS DEATHRATTLES!! Gorefiend, Gandling, & Gift Death Priest!