DR. MORRIGAN’S LAST STAND!! Doing Work in BIG Handlock! | Galakrond’s Awakening | Hearthstone

Dr. Morrigan is considered so terrible that she wasn’t even being played after being buffed with a 2 mana discount! That’s bad. But after lots of experimenting, we found a list where Dr. Morrigan actually feels like a significant and powerful tool. Handlock can get by with all spells in the early game, leaving lots of big minions to summon with Dr. Morrigan, Fel Lord Betrug, and Dollmaster Dorian.

Decklist: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/12685-morrigan-handlock

#GalakrondsAwakening #DragonsDecks #RegisKillbin

Deck Teaser | Hearthstone | DR. MORRIGAN’S LAST STAND!! Doing Work in BIG Handlock!