40 cards, 40 health, and 1 shard… Renathal Quest Priest!

Prince Renathal has arrived early from Murder in Castle Nathria, which means we get to build all kinds of fun decks with 40 cards and 40 health at our disposal! First up was Quest Priest, which has lots more time to find the Shard thanks to the health buff of Renathal.

Deck List: https://playhearthstone.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAd35AwzU7QOm7wPd9gOg9wOoigToiwSLowTWrATHsgShtgSotgSX7wQOlugDmesDmusDnusD3uwD8u4DzfIDhvcDh%2FcDw%2FkDrYoEiKMEiqME1KwEAA%3D%3D
Deck Code: AAECAd35AwzU7QOm7wPd9gOg9wOoigToiwSLowTWrATHsgShtgSotgSX7wQOlugDmesDmusDnusD3uwD8u4DzfIDhvcDh/cDw/kDrYoEiKMEiqME1KwEAA==
Deck Power Level: Okay
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh

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Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | 40 cards, 40 health, and 1 shard! Renathal Quest Priest!