4 mana… 1792 Attack… 2048 Health…

Deepminer Brann is one of the most absurd cards ever printed in Hearthstone, so I had to put him in one of the most absurd decks I’ve ever played. This is peak Hearthstone.

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAcLbBB7lsATHsgSHtwSwxwTvzgTzzgSW1ASB3ASI3wTMkgXvogW2xAXQ0AXm5AXY9gWu%2BAWO%2BwWX%2BwXejQa5kQbllQaQlwbrmAbOnAaSngbRnga%2FogbVogavqAbQsAYAAAA
Deck Code: AAECAcLbBB7lsATHsgSHtwSwxwTvzgTzzgSW1ASB3ASI3wTMkgXvogW2xAXQ0AXm5AXY9gWu+AWO+wWX+wXejQa5kQbllQaQlwbrmAbOnAaSngbRnga/ogbVogavqAbQsAYAAAA
Deck Power Estimate: This deck is mostly just a meme, but still packs enough punch to steal a bunch of games, as long as you’re not facing aggro decks, which will destroy you.

0:00 Deck Introduction
1:09 Deck Gameplay

#Deepholm #DeepholmDecks #regiskillbin

Edited by: https://twitter.com/FNoirs

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | 4 mana… 1792 Attack… 2048 Health…