20 FACTS about Hearthstone PACKS! Rastakhan’s Rumble: How many packs should you buy? Packs Value!

🤖💬🔬Hello young laboratory assistant. We have also prepared an exclusive opportunity for you all to take part in a large-scale experiment called “Packs Value”. All you need to do is return to this video after you open new packs, then write a special code in the comments. Laboratory staff will respond to everyone and mathematically determine the level of your luck.

Everything is very simple.
First open your packs. Record your results. You need information about the number of open packs, numbers of epic and legendary cards. Separate the amount of golden cards. Be careful! Only count the cards you get in the packs, do not count the legendary Loa for logging in. Convert this information into a special code and write it in the comments. Your code should have 9 lines.


1. Write hashtag – #packsvalue
2. Write your name.
3. Write the number of open packs.
4. Write the number of Legendary cards that you received from packs.(without golden Legendary and free Loa for log in)
5. Write the number of Epics.‬ (without golden Epics)
6. Write the number of golden Commons. ‬
7. Write the number of golden Rares
8. Write the number of golden Epics
9. Write the number of golden Legendaries.

For example, if I only opened 6 packs and received 1 legendary card, 1 epic card, and one golden epic card, here is what my code will look like:


🤖💬Be careful, It’s SCIENCE! :]


🤖❓ So, how many packs are you planning to open?
I created a new YouTube poll. Vote and tell me your answer in the comments!

🤖💬 Today we have collected a great amount of information, statistics, and poll results in one place. I hope this information will help you make a decision about buying the pre-order, showcase your chances to get legendary cards,
or at least help you learn something new. We will be grateful if you like this video.


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🤖🤝 ​Special thanks to Chris!​​

🤖🤝 Spanish subtitles from Ignacio Lema.


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🤖💬 Sorry for English, is not very good. :]
#Hearthstone #Rastakhan #packsvalue