Instead of Jades we used to have Cthulhu and his disciples in here but well, green is a better color so we put that in here. While the original deck went 11-11 in Legend, we struggled hard making it work now. After a 6-1 start it went downhill 1-7. For whatever reason Aya did not matter and Jade Spirit just summoned a 2/2 at best. But I mean, might just be bad draw
Usually you do win ever match up ever due to Shudderwock still being broken af and well, we do have reno and other ways of healing. We can easily clear the board and theoretically make giant green man. Jepetto is such a good guy, he deserves an award for existing. Malestrom vs. Odd Paladin feels sad due to Never Surrender FeelsBadMan
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Background Music & Outro – [No Copyright Music] Chill Lofi
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