The goal of this Wild Hearthstone Control Warlock OTK combo deck is to use Magtheridon combined with Cursed Campaign! We do this by playing Magtheridon and awakening him. Then, we play Tamsin Roame, double Cursed Campaign, Reverberations, double Treachery, and we destroy the Magtheridons to fill the opponent’s board with 7 dormant Magtheridon. Finally, we play Kil’jaeden to win the game. Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/markmckz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/markmckz
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mup3kRj
Decklists: https://outof.cards/members/markmckz/decks
Deck Tracker: https://hsreplay.net/downloads/?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=markmckz
Deck Code:
#Hearthstone #MarkMcKz