…wait Dude Paladin is a HIGH LEGEND deck again??

The era of the Silver Hand Recruit may be upon us once more! This cool Token Paladin deck was played to Top 20 Legend, so I had to give it a spin to relive the glory/gory days of Dude Paladin!

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAYsWBrCyBKTvBISWBeKkBebkBY3%2BBQzHoATJoASWtwTa2QS%2F4gTM4gSBlgWFqgWU9QWV9QW0ngbXogYAAA%3D%3D
Source: https://twitter.com/WuLingHS/status/1692448351214874986
Deck Power Estimate: This was played to Top 20 Legend, and felt really solid when I played it. It needs more data to confirm its place in the meta, but it looks promising so far.

0:00 Deck Introduction
2:02 Deck Gameplay

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Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | …wait Dude Paladin is a HIGH LEGEND deck again??