DECK CODES IN DESCRIPTION — these are some of the standout decks from the first week. Demon Hunters got nerfed but they’re still SUPER good! CAREFUL CRAFTING
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Orange’s R1 Legend OTK Demon Hunter:
Bequiet’s R8 Legend Spell Druid:
Nuts. 2nd soul is key. 8 mana spell might be to much but I like it. Claw is good against tempo DH. pic.twitter.com/Tr10oYb1yL
— Bequiet (@B3qui3t) April 12, 2020
NoHandsGamer’s R4 Legend Eggro Warrior:
Eggro warrior is legit! Changed up some cards. Its super strong now. Chilled at top 10 legend for 60+ games peaking at 4. Making a youtube guide to come soon.
Deck code:
AAECAaPLAwTerQPAuQPUugP0uwMNFhyQA9QE1AjSpQO9pgP1qAPcqQPdrQOktgOrtgOcuwMA pic.twitter.com/SoE9mfUVCv— Luke Kooken (@Nohandsgamer) April 11, 2020
Gallon’s R3 Legend Zoo Warlock:
Got to 3 with shieldbearer zoo, meanwhile some people are lying about their real rank @Monsanto_HS @muzzy_HS @Nohandsgamer explain yourselves pic.twitter.com/A5EAWOEh8d
— Gallon (@GO_Gallon) April 10, 2020
Zlsjs’ R15 Legend Galakrond Warlock:
Been enjoying these 2 decks since the nerfs, decent rank on 2 servers with them.
AAECAf0GBsUE/KMD7awDkbED47QD8b8DDKMBxAidqQPlrAPorAPqrAPrrAPsrAP+rgOqrwPmvgPpvgMADemon Hunter
AAECAea5AwTMugPXuwPDvAPaxgMN+a4DurYDi7oDxLwD4LwDjb0DusYDx8YD2cYD1cgD98gD+cgD/sgDAA== pic.twitter.com/cPW0s5brXS— zlsjs (@zlsjs_HS) April 12, 2020
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
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#Hearthstone #AshesOfOutland #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!
Top 5 Decks SO FAR in Ashes of Outland – Hearthstone Expansion