DECK CODES IN DESCRIPTION — these are some of the standout decks from the first week. CRAFT WITH CAUTION.
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
LiquidOx’s R8 Highlander Mage:
Peaked at 13 with this Highlander mage (14-7) Old decks with a few changes are still pretty good and largely unexplored due to people wanting to try new stuff (can't blame them). Definitley needs optimised a bit might put dragoncaster back in but deck still seems good! pic.twitter.com/2t4f3ocfwJ
— Ox (@LiquidOxHs) August 10, 2020
Gallon’s R6 Flinger Rogue:
Played a bit more of the Flinger Rogue and got to a decent spot. No changes from last time, I'm starting to think about cutting a hooked scimitar or two though. They are great in the late game but can make for poor draws early on. Still highly recommend it! pic.twitter.com/nt6TgZG8Tn
— Gallon (@GO_Gallon) August 11, 2020
Fire’s R5 Libram Paladin:
오늘 2등까지간 성기사 덱입니다!
사제상대로 특수하게 10승1패를 했네요
법사상대로 약합니다.
내일은 1등가는 방송을 오전 11시에 진행해볼려고 합니다.
플레이가 궁금하시다면 찾아와주세요!https://t.co/pOmgdBozou pic.twitter.com/aq0V5LMdso— FireHS (@fireaei) August 11, 2020
Paperninja’s R1 Highlander Priest:
had to win 13 games on 2 to hit 1, finally did it. Settled on this list and I think its really solid. Overall record was 35-9 (80% WR) pic.twitter.com/UMvNZBGIUN
— PaperninjaHS (@Paperninja20) August 11, 2020
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
Testing how tags in the description affect the views of the video. In theory all the words in here help to rank the video and show it to more people so lets try this.
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#Hearthstone #Scholomance #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
Top 4 Decks SO FAR in Scholomance Academy – Hearthstone Expansion