I can’t believe Gadgetzan Auctioneer is still enabling broken combos 10 years after his release, but here we are with yet another crazy miracle deck in Standard format.
Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAYC1BgSs0QXYgQaplQarngYNrp8E2p8EoKAEuaAErsAE1t4E7qMFguAFoukF8foF%2FY0Gu5kGqZ4GAAA%3D
Deck Code: AAECAYC1BgSs0QXYgQaplQarngYNrp8E2p8EoKAEuaAErsAE1t4E7qMFguAFoukF8foF/Y0Gu5kGqZ4GAAA=
Deck Power Estimate: This deck is solid at higher ranks, but falls off very quickly with lower skill players. It is still absurdly gross when it wins, even if it doesn’t always win.
0:00 Deck Introduction
1:48 Deck Gameplay
#Ulduar #UlduarDecks #RegisKillbin
Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | He’s STILL BROKEN after 10 years… this deck is gross.