🤖💬 Today we have prepared a list of the most interesting decks for each class after the nerf.
In order to do this, we followed the meta and took an analysis of some decks from popular resources. We also found some interesting versions of popular decks, and collected some unpopular (but fun) archetypes. News of the balance changes came as no surprise to us. We had expected that the Rogue would be damaged, and told about this in the last video.
In general, the Nerf will not change the game considerably. Definitely, the Rogue will lost popularity, a new leader of the meta will appear (perhaps it will be the Hunter).
Therefore, we believe that our decks are relevant after the Nerf. So, if you’re tired of boring popular meta decks, our list may be useful, at least in the first weeks after the Nerf.
🤖❓ So, Has Hearthstone become more fun after the rotation and release of Rise of Shadows? Vote and tell me your answer in the comments!
1:46 – Miracle Rogue
3:02 – Mecha’Thun Warrior (with Da Undatakah)
4:15 – Dragon Control Shaman
5:04 – Khadgar Spell Mage (with Antonidas)
5:55 – Heal Druid
6:43 – Spell Hunter Malygos
7:46 – Miracle Nomi Priest
8:47 – Jaraxxus Handlock Warlock
9:36 – Mech Paladin
10:25 – Vote Results
🤖💬👉That might be interesting to you
👉 The Most Profitable Packs to buy
👉 The Best Legendary Cards from the Rise of Shadows
👉 How Much Money Do I Have to Spend On Hearthstone?
👉 How Much Money Do I Have to Spend On Hearthstone?
📼 Toast – Heal Druid
📼 Kolento – Nomi Priest
📼 Trump – Handlock
📼 Old Guardian – Mech Paladin
📼 Gaara – Dragon Shaman
📼 Toast – Spell Mage
🤖🤝 Special thanks to Chris!
🤖💬 📜Codes for decks from video
### Miracle Rogue
### Mecha’thun Warrior
### Dragon Shaman
### Spell Mage
### Heal Druid
### Malygos Hunter
### Nomi Priest
### Handlock
### Mech Paladin
🤖💬📚 Information sources
📚 https://hsreplay.net/
📚 https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/
📚 https://www.metabomb.net/hearthstone
📚 https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone
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🤖💬 Sorry for English, is not very good. :]
#Hearthstone #HearthstoneFUN #TheBestDecks