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The most evil deck in history is back with this new big res priest deck for hearthstone deadmines mini set in united in stormwind expansion!
🍌Deck Code 🍌
Mobile Deck Code: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1397853-big-res-priest-is-back
0:00 start
0:10 Intro
1:26 Gameplay
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This new off meta big resurrect priest deck for the hearthstone deadmines mini set is the most evil deck in history and it is back in united in stormwind! I climbed from Diamond to legend with an 86% WR going 19-3 with this big priest hearthstone deck! It has many big priest deadmines cards in here like the Amulet of Undying and N’Zoth hearthstone! This is a control priest stormwind deck because we have a lot of healing in this res priest hearthstone deck. This might even be a top hearthstone deck from all the new deadmines decks this united in stormwind mini set. We even put in a Shadow Priest Hearthstone package into this deck as well for more early control in this shadow priest stormwind deck! I hope you enjoy this off meta hearthstone deck with this new big res priest deck for the deadmines mini set in united in stormwind expansion!
In this video, we’re not playing (Hearthstone) Macaws and Masterpieces but this new Big Res Priest deck for the Hearthstone Deadmines mini set for United in Stormwind! If you love this deck you’ll also love CRUSH the Meta with This BROKEN New Deck!!
#Hearthstone #DeadminesMiniSet #FunkiMonki