Rarran tries to beat the one knight in Karazhan adventure on heroic only using meta death knight lists, is it possible to do it?
You should watch me live on Twitch:
▶Discord: https://discord.gg/AYThPma
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Rusanda Panfili & Tina Guo – The Queen’s Gambit Main Title (Cover) by Carlos Rafael Rivera at 12:24 link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1VS_RQtp30&ab_channel=RusandaPanfili
Edited By: https://twitter.com/MF_daveed
Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/dees_nook?s=21&t=_xDgUgGk84ra0NbuoHZO1g
#Hearthstone #Rarran #HS