The First Ever Hearthstone Expansion Run with Druid | Solem

The Hearthstone Expansion Speedrun is something special. You start the Run by choosing a class and building a deck which only contains Classic and Basic cards. After your first win in ranked you gain access to Naxx. You have to include at least 1 card from Naxxramas in your deck or build a completely new one and win another game in ranked. You then gain access to GvG and continue doing so until you won 18 games with a deck from each expansion

Your deck can contain all the cards up to the current expansion but does not need to be build around that. I have to say this was a lot of fun, both to stream as well as to edit and I would like to do it again with better rules and better planning using the Hunter class next time. I will probably put this in the comment section to ask you guys what could be improved and what definitely needs to change as I am new to this style of video editing.

Anything you can point out helps a lot! Thank you so much for watching, Happy New Year and see you guys on stream or in tomorrows YouTube video!

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#ExpansionRun #Hearthstone #Solem

About Solem
I make Hearthstone Videos & Stream Every Day on Twitch so if you like Hearthstone Gameplay make sure to Subscribe! Twitch Prime btw
