Today we honor the best and worst Hearthstone cards, most broken decks, best youtubers, and so much more in the 3rd annual Hearthstone award show!
Introduction 0:00
Giveaway winners 1:30
Trophy introduction 1:49
Best Wild Youtuber 2:05
Most Underrated Card 3:00
Most Overrated Card 3:35
Best Wild Deck 4:18
Best Standard Deck 4:54
In Memory 2022 5:35
Best Battlegrounds Youtuber 6:44
Best Expansion 7:40
Most Hated Card 11:51
Worst Card 12:28
Best Standard Youtuber 13:11
Most Broken Card 14:02
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zeddy
Discord: https://discord.gg/qYydzpj
#Hearthstone #HS #Zeddy
Zeddy, RegisKillbin, Kripp, Rarran and other hearthstone youtubers all play different hs gamemodes. Duels, Battlegrounds, Standard, Arena and Wild are in the game that can new cards from new expansions to climb and win HS games.
Hearthstone is a card game based on WOW, it is also a digital card game.