(Hearthstone) March of the Automatons

August 24, 2024 Hearthstone 0

(Perils In Paradise Standard) 3 games: Automaton Priest Subscribe and turn on notifications for a new video every day! Deck Code: AAECAd35AwzX0gaMwQbPxgWknQan0wbZwQav/wXP9gWvwQaplQbt9wXt9wUJi9YGhJ8Eu8cFjtYGzsAGpvEFoukF+/gFougDAAA= (https://pastebin.com/dm7MkRnp) Music: Beethoven […]

(Hearthstone) Fishing for Automatons

August 9, 2024 Hearthstone 0

(Perils In Paradise Standard) 2 games: Automaton Amalgam Priest Subscribe and turn on notifications for a new video every day! Deck Code: AAECAd35AwjX0gavwQaW0waknQbZwQav/wXP9gXHpAYLy54GpvEFougD+/gFoukFzsAG7fcFjtYGu8cFhJ8Ei9YGAAED87MGx6QG9rMGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA= (https://pastebin.com/hpsKkYnQ) Music: […]

(Hearthstone) Buffed Pip Automatons

December 23, 2023 Hearthstone 0

(Showdown in the Badlands Standard)1 game: Automaton Priest Subscribe and turn on notifications for a new video every day! Deck Code: AAECAa0GCKi2BOKkBc/2Bdj2Ba//BcmABtiBBqSdBgutigT52wS63ASkkQW7xwWm8QXt9wXjgAbGnAajnQa4ngYAAA== (https://pastebin.com/8J6U8tCJ) Music: Mozart […]