The latest Castle Nathria deck I played is this Deathrattle Relic Demon Hunter, using the new buffed Relic cards and a Deathrattle package to fuel late-game bombs like Blackthorn and Denathrius.
Deck List:
Deck Code: AAECAdKLBQq/7QOoigSHiwSNtQT+vwTp0ASY1ASq3QSt4gS+8AQKu+0DvO0D/e0Dr+8DivcDh7cEr94EsN4EquIEheUEAA==
Deck Power Level: Hopeful
Guide to Deck Power Levels:
#CastleNathria #CastleNathriaDecks #regiskillbin
Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | …so are the buffed relics FINALLY GOOD??