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This Plaguespreader Priest deck aims to transform all of your opponent’s minions into Plaguespreaders, making it both hilarious and potentially quite powerful.
Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAZ%2FHAgbU7QPoiwTwnwSotgTF5ASX7wQRmesDmusDnusDhvcDh%2FcDw%2FkDjIEErYoEiKME1KwEobYEuNwEpZEF6pQF%2BJYFopkFhqQFAA%3D%3D
Deck Code: AAECAZ/HAgbU7QPoiwTwnwSotgTF5ASX7wQRmesDmusDnusDhvcDh/cDw/kDjIEErYoEiKME1KwEobYEuNwEpZEF6pQF+JYFopkFhqQFAA==
Deck Power Level: Too early to know for sure, but looking good.
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh
0:00 Deck Introduction
2:12 Gameplay
#MarchOfTheLichKing #LichKingDecks #RegisKillbin
Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | Ruin their cards with PLAGUE PRIEST!!