This Quest Rogue Deck from JAlexander is absolutely nutty. It’s probably the best rogue deck right now and he has been holding top 100 constantly with it! Check it out if you want some rogue action, I recommend it. Lab Recruiter on Tess is insane!
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
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J Alexander’s Quest Tess Rogue Code: AAECAaIHBrICiAfr8ALg+gKggAOnqAMMtAGbBcf4Ao+XA5CXA6iYA/uaA/6aA7ulA/WnA6qoA62oAwA=
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■■More Gear■■
☞ MICROPHONE ARM ►► https://amzn.to/2VygFvw
☞ LENS ►► https://amzn.to/2VMO1eX
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☞ AUDIO INTERFACE ►► https://amzn.to/2JOQ6jk
WEBCAM ►► https://amzn.to/2YC84tC
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#Hearthstone #Rogue #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!
Quest Rogue is SO GOOD! | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone