I didn’t think quest mechathun warlock would actually be decent, but it is! I maintained above a 50% winrate and I feel like it could have been even better. Don’t forget that you might just want to ditch your Mechathun gameplan against aggro decks. I’m also considering dropping a betrug as well as dorian in favor of removal or maybe nether and a sense demons.
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
Got this list off HSReplay BTW:
Mecha’thun Quest Warlock Code: AAECAf0GCtsGwvECnPgC8fsC1/4CoIADiZ0Dx50D66MDgqUDCrYHxfMCtJED2pYD2psDiJ0DoaED+qQDu6UDnakDAA==
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