This Quest Warrior deck is pretty good. This is the first usage of Hack the System that I’ve actually liked. Armored Goon feels amazing and I’m glad it can finally see some good use! Try this deck out if you have the warrior quest but I cant advise crafting it at the current time.
Chunchunner’s Quest Warrior: AAECAQcIyAP/A5AHoIADm5QDhKcD8qgD96gDC0uiBP8HnfACm/MC9PUCiIcDmpQDn6EDu6UD9qgDAA==
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About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!
Quest Warrior Actually Works! | Saviors of Uldum | Hearthstone