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New Taunt Dragon Control Warrior Deck That’s Really Good At Into the Emerald Dream | Hearthstone
If you can’t copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram!
Good luck, my friends!
My opponents:
00:00 Space Death Knight
05:13 Imbue Control Priest
08:45 Dragon Warrior
16:40 Terran Rock Asteroid Shaman
22:00 Leech Control Death Knight
27:04 Terran Warrior
Deck code:
### Taunt Dragon Warrior 1.0
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Raptor
# 1x (1) Siphoning Growth
# 2x (2) Clutch of Corruption
# 2x (2) Shield Block
# 2x (3) All You Can Eat
# 2x (3) New Heights
# 2x (3) Succumb to Madness
# 2x (3) Tortollan Traveler
# 2x (4) Afflicted Devastator
# 2x (4) Eggbasher
# 1x (4) Nightmare Lord Xavius
# 1x (5) Carnivorous Cubicle
# 2x (5) Chemical Spill
# 1x (6) Hamm, the Hungry
# 2x (6) Testing Dummy
# 1x (7) Ysondre
# 1x (8) Inventor Boom
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (4) Virus Module
# 1x (5) Perfect Module
# 2x (10) Hydration Station
# 1x (10) Tortolla
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Into the Emerald Dream