Naga Priest is the best deck across all formats right now.
I recently crafted Pelagos, and here’s my take on the deck. I think having two Shard of the Naarus is really important.
Please subscribe. See ya!
Miracle Naga Priest
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Hydra
# 1x (0) Priestess Valishj
# 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru
# 2x (1) Serpent Wig
# 2x (1) Shadow Word: Devour
# 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru
# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear
# 1x (2) Amalgam of the Deep
# 2x (2) Bless
# 2x (2) Murkwater Scribe
# 2x (2) Radiant Elemental
# 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
# 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
# 2x (3) Handmaiden
# 1x (3) Pelagos
# 1x (3) Treasure Guard
# 1x (4) Blademaster Samuro
# 2x (4) Boon of the Ascended
# 1x (4) School Teacher
#hearthstone #nagapriest #marchofthelichking