Looking for a deck to use while waiting for The Great Dark Beyond to come out for Standard Hearthstone? Fan of Renathal then why naut try Mind Control Priest take any minion your opponent plays for your own turning their wincon into yours! This video will be a guide to play this Hearthstone Deck & show Hearthstone gameplay! If you have any comment leave it down below
#Hearthstone #nauthearthstone #perilsinparadise #travelingtravelagency
Mind Control Pirest Hearthstone | Thief Priest Hearthstone | Tourist Priest Hearthstone | Big Spell Priest Hearthstone | Aman’thul Hearthstone | The Great Dark Beyond Hearthstone | Year of the Pegasus | | Priest Perils in Paradise | Year of the Pegasus | Perils in Paradise Hearthstone | Perils in Paradise | Chillin’ Vol’jin | Yogg-Saron Unleashed Deck Hearthstone | Traveling Travel Agency Hearthstone | Paradise Miniset
0:00 Intro
0:23 Tips & Mulligan Guide
0:40 Games Like this is why I play Hearthstone
14:00 Making DK Rage out of the Game
22:19 Final Thoughts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nautlocke_VT
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nautlocke_vt
Deck String / Deck Code:
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Hearthstone’s Next set have been announced Perils in Paradise! New expansions to climb and win HS (Hearthstone) games. Hearthstone is a card game based on the Warcraft Universe popularized by World of Warcraft replacing the original physical card game as digital card game has many different game modes including Standard Hearthstone, Wild Hearthstone , Hearthstone Twist No one expects this hidden off meta deck that could become a top hearthstone deck and not just meme hearthstone deck! There is so much potential for such a deck in Whizbang’s Workshop for this deck and other off meta hearthstone decks. Hopefully this helps with the algorithm