Download Firestone today: https://www.influencerlink.org/SHBUx
Joey is BACK and he is MAD. Well more so he’s able to talk now…
Edited by Avery Swanson 📺 https://twitter.com/NotAverySwanson
My Twitch 📺 http://www.twitch.tv/lieutenanteddy
My Twitter 🐦 https://goo.gl/9FZFYK
Merchandise 👕 www.lieutenanteddy.com
My Discord 🤖 https://goo.gl/pMCNFL
Our National Anthem 0:00
Joey Joins the Fight 0:36
Sponsor 2:35
3:03 Back to Joey
#hearthstone #lteddy #hearthstonebattlegrounds