I’ve been having a really good time with this quest mage deck lately! Somehow we’ve been winning about 60% of our games (small sample size). We’ve beaten Rogues, XL Beast Hunters, Token Druids & pretty much everything! Super fun deck!
00:00 – Intro & Deck Overview
02:02 – Games
Check out Edelweiss’ tweet!
Since I'm out of town and can't stream, you'll have to make do with Twitter content. Used this on my climb to legend to counter quest priest and I have to say it is deeply satisfying. Plenty of early removal for aggro and tons of damage from Touch/Ignite against slower decks. pic.twitter.com/6kPsUNuGgl
— Edelweiss (@SwagoiEdelweiss) September 10, 2022
Craft with caution:
#Mage #Hearthstone #dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
MaKe SeNsE THiS mIGhT nOt
Today Me, Dekkster, plays the new Hearthstone Patch Update mini set expansion. Maybe these are the Best Decks since the Update or maybe the Top Decks since the Patch. Best new decks after the Expansion and Top decks to get legend since the new Mini set for Hearthstone.
Not Hearthstone, but best off meta decks, New Decks, Do You Know Hearthstone / this is a Deck Video Guide on tips for how to get legend for the first time in The Blizzard Card Game. Rarran, RegisKillbin, Zeddy, trump, thijs, Roffle, Kibler and other hearthstone youtubers all play different hs gamemodes. Duels, Battlegrounds, Standard, Arena and Wild are in the game that can new cards from new expansions to climb and win HS games. Hearthstone is a card game based on WOW, it is also a digital card game.
Legends of Runeterra is a 2020 digital collectible card game developed and published by Riot Games. Inspired by the physical collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, the developers sought to create a game within the same genre that significantly lowered the barrier to entry.