Blizzard invited me to a Theorycrafting event where I got to play decks early, and this unrefined Deathrattle Rogue was tons of fun and showed some promise as a real deck too!
Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAaIHBvuKBLzOBOnQBMygBd%2BiBe%2BiBQzT8wP3nwT8pQT9rATVtgTj0wT13QT54wSs7QSfkwWhkwXUlQUA
Deck Code: AAECAaIHBvuKBLzOBOnQBMygBd+iBe+iBQzT8wP3nwT8pQT9rATVtgTj0wT13QT54wSs7QSfkwWhkwXUlQUA
Deck Power Level: Fun
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh
#MarchOfTheLichKing #LichKingDecks #RegisKillbin
Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | Is Deathrattle Rogue FINALLY going to be good??