United in Stormwind has arrived! This launch day deck is a meme OTK designed to get you infinite damage using Lady Prestor, Coldarra Drake, Felfire Deadeye, and Demon Hunter’s hero power.
See more of this deck in the Stream VOD: …
Deck List: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/29168-coldarra-demon-hunter
Deck Code: AAECAZvoAwT86APn8APW+QOoigQN2cYD+84DzNID2d4DtuEDkOQDkuQD4eQD/e0Dgp8Etp8Es6AEtKAEAA==
Deck Power Level: Meme
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh
#UnitedInStormwind #StormwindDecks #RegisKillbin
Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | INFINITE DAMAGE OTK!! Lady Prestor is a cheater!