INCREDIBLE VALUE (Dragons and Galakrond UNITE) | Reno Priest | Descent of Dragons | Wild Hearthstone
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🔍 Deck Code 🔎
📝 Full Deck List 📝
### G A L A
# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Cleric of Scales
# 1x (1) Disciple of Galakrond
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor
# 1x (2) Netherspite Historian
# 1x (2) Seance
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 1x (3) Breath of the Infinite
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 1x (4) Duskbreaker
# 1x (4) Fate Weaver
# 1x (4) Frizz Kindleroost
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Twilight Guardian
# 1x (5) Barista Lynchen
# 1x (5) Big Ol’ Whelp
# 1x (5) Drakonid Operative
# 1x (5) Mass Hysteria
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 1x (5) Time Rip
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (6) Reno Jackson
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable
# 1x (7) Psychic Scream
# 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Enjoy the gameplay!
#Hearthstone #Gaming #Roffle