I Will Survive | Hearthstone | Scholomance Academy | Big Warrior |

Decklist: AAECAQcI9sIDkQb5wgO+uQPfrQOr1APfqQP2lgML4swDogTAuQO4uQOK0AP/B+PMA0vS0QOnzgOWlAMA

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Thank you to all of Alliestrasza’s fans, followers, and donors.


Video Production by Allie and Mason

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Editor contact:joseph[at]gloomshot.com
Original length: 11m39s. Gloomshot edited this down 7%.
Original broadcast: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/695297556?t=3h13m37s
Streamed on 2020-07-30
#Alliestrasza #Hearthstone #scholomance #ScholomanceAcademy