This deck is so much fun. It actually feels viable too! Someone hit R13 Legend with it! You should give Quest Battlecry Shaman a try if you have the cards!
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
Quest Battlecry Shaman List: AAECAaoIBr2ZA+GoA/O3A5PCA5zOA4vVAwycArSRA8aZA7ulA8+lA+2tA+DMA5vNA5/NA/vOA/7RA/DUAwA=
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☞ RGB LIGHTING ►► https://amzn.to/2IAFpAW
☞ MICROPHONE ►► https://amzn.to/2JLqsfi
☞ CAMERA ►► https://amzn.to/2YIgJLd
■■■More Gear■■■
☞ MICROPHONE ARM ►► https://amzn.to/2VygFvw
☞ LENS ►► https://amzn.to/2VMO1eX
☞ CLOUDLIFTER ►► https://amzn.to/2EhYzYK
☞ AUDIO INTERFACE ►► https://amzn.to/2JOQ6jk
☞ WEBCAM ►► https://amzn.to/2YC84tC
(all these Amazon links are affiliate links. I get a small % of money at no additional cost to you)
Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
#shaman #hearthstone #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
I LOVE THIS DECK!! – Battlecry Shaman – Hearthstone