I let Twitter suggest me cards to build a Hearthstone deck. Considering that half the people replying to the post did not read the tweet correctly, you can guess how good the deck ended up being. Nonetheless as an epic gamer I had to give my best and try to get at least a single win
If you want to participate in stuff like this in the future, maybe drop a follow on my Twitter ►► https://twitter.com/solemHS
To see all games unedited, without me talking over the gameplay we now have the daily channel to bring back how this channel used to be
Daily Uploads ►► http://bit.ly/solemdaily
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While we were playing this Wild Hearthstone Deck and had a high win rate, we thought that Hearthstone Decks in 2020 might be what you expect, broken Decks that can get you to legend easily. Being at the legend rank in makes your best deck even more interesting and fun because after Scholomance Academy a lot of random effects on minions and spells came to the game of Hearthstone
(this nonsense is for SEO btw)
#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem