Highkeeper Ra with ALL 9 Heroes! Mogu Cultist OTK Combo Bonanza! [Hearthstone Compilation]

World First? 22 Highkeeper Ra’s across ALL 9 Classes!

Deck Codes can be found at the respective links below:

Rogue (0:06) https://youtu.be/CecPQBNBeoc
Warlock (1:30) https://youtu.be/52pQAoAmLsg
Priest (2:41) https://youtu.be/1–iRTBG6rk
Shaman (4:21) https://youtu.be/anffQ3IC70E
Druid (5:32) https://youtu.be/2Z_fP17DHoM
Paladin (7:26) https://youtu.be/PZWRMdFW8wM
Warrior (8:54) https://youtu.be/RLcyCGUH4Ss
Hunter (10:01) https://youtu.be/mK02zU8xL6k
Mage (12:07) https://youtu.be/Kb4rlxVxse4

Check out my stream at https://www.twitch.tv/markmckz
Follow me at https://twitter.com/markmckz
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mup3kRj

Special thanks for supporting the channel:
Brendan Long
Menacing Banjo
Orlando Lizarraga
ASL linxux
Joe Smith