[Hearthstone] The Ultimate Guide For Beginners And Returners 2023. Reach Legend For The First Time!

#hearthstone #festivaloflegends #roadtolegend #newplayer #returners#newstart

In Hearthstone you can now get the best deck and with it you are able to get the Legend rank.

Consider subscribing, leave a comment if you would need some help or your opinion about this guide. If you need help also leave a comment or write to me 馃檪

I hope you enjoyed the video. In the future I also will be making some videos connected to this one -that you won’t be alone in this New Journey!!!

1) First Deck Tracker

2) Second Deck Tracker

3) Website where you can find a lot of decks:

See you around 馃檪

My Twitter

00:00-03:00 Introduction
03:00-05:50 Reward Track& Quests
05:51-09:01 Loaner Deck (Which one to choose)
09:02-11:30 Current Expansions and which to unlock firstly
11:31-21:55 Game
21:56-24:10 Tips&Hints
24:11-26:33 Deck Trackers
26:34-28:52 Where to find decks
28:53-30:11 End