In celebration of Kobolds & Catacombs launch day, Blizzard Entertainment and Hearthstone* proudly present King Togwaggle’s directorial debut!
Let the King of the Kobolds take you on a journey to a mesmerizing world of fantasy, treasure, and never taken candles, where anything is possible and filthy adventurers always get their just desserts.
Prepare for an adventure of Togwaggling proportions. Prepare yourself for Kobolds & Catacombs: “The Light Candle”, this Groundhog’s Day.
Listen to what the critics have to say:
“Is being best film ever created by man or kobold. Citizen Kandle is looking like trogg spit compared to this. Is greatest film of all time; modern classic AND classic classic. A rollicking subversive heartbreaking tour-de-force of staggering feel good genius. Riveting.” – King Togwaggle
“Kobolds. Why’d it have to be kobolds?” – Marin the Fox
“Blog post.” – Mike Donais
“”I am not approving this. There is no way we’ll let this movie get made. Zero chance, Togwaggle. Ever But thanks for pitch.”– Ben Brode
“Seriously, though. Never.” – Ben Brode
“Better than having candle. Wait, that lie. Nothing better than having candle. Is being close though!” – Also King Togwaggle
LEARN MORE about Kobolds & Catacombs: www.koboldsandcatacombs.com
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