One Shaman Control Deck to Rule Them All
# 1x (1) Devolving Missiles
# 2x (1) Primordial Studies
# 2x (2) Dwarven Archaeologist
# 2x (3) Far Sight
# 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
# 2x (3) Marshspawn
# 1x (3) Speaker Gidra
# 2x (3) Vulpera Scoundrel
# 2x (4) Groundskeeper
# 1x (4) Lorekeeper Polkelt
# 1x (4) The Fist of Ra-den
# 2x (4) Torrent
# 1x (5) Bandersmosh
# 2x (5) Hagatha’s Scheme
# 2x (7) Earthquake
# 1x (8) Jepetto Joybuzz
# 2x (8) Tidal Wave
# 2x (10) Eye of the Storm
# 1x (10) King Phaoris
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Blue Danube (by Strauss) – Strauss