Welcome to the third episode of Hearthstone Chronicles, a new series in which Zeddy and me get a class and build 7 decks, let me explain. Each deck represents a year and can only contain cards up until that point in tie meaning the 7 decks we build contain a deck from 2014 – 2020, only using cards that were available up until that point in time
We chose 2020 over 2021 because Forged in the Barrens is not fully released yet
• Twitch ▸ https://www.twitch.tv/solem
• Twitter ▸ http://bit.ly/solemtw
• Instagram ▸ http://bit.ly/solemig
• Zeddy’s Channel ▸ https://www.youtube.com/c/ZeddyHearthstone
• Zeddy’s Twitch ▸ https://www.twitch.tv/zeddy
• Zeddy’s Twitter ▸ https://twitter.com/ZeddyHS
Intro – 0:00
Decks – 0:29
Games – 3:54
#Hearthstone #Solem #Zeddy