Hearthstone – Best of Never Concede Comebacks| Best of Hearthstone Funny and Lucky moments!
Rastakhan’s Rumble best WTF Moments, Daily Hearthstone Funny Moments! ft. best epic comebacks, best 1hp comebacks, combo comebacks, not insta concede comebacks, best saves
Amaz, Kripparrian, Trump, Disguised Toast, Pro highlights!
►Best of Legendary Loas: https://goo.gl/BMMcgA
►Send me, hearthstone daily moments! -https://www.hearthstoneplayshs@gmail.com
(0:00): https://www.twitch.tv/rosslerouge
(Battle Cry 1 – Niklas Gustavsson)
(1:13): https://www.twitch.tv/klamar
(Car Chase Rock and Roll 7 – Victor Ohlsson)
(2:03): https://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp
(Driving To Buildings – Magnus Ringblom)
(3:18): https://goo.gl/r23Zx3
(Mangled Sector 5 – Johannes Bornlof)
(4:18): https://www.twitch.tv/thijs
(Jungle Thrill 2 – Johannes Bornlof)
(5:32): https://www.twitch.tv/hearthstoneness
(Lord of Dance 4 – Johannes Bornlof)
(6:28): https://goo.gl/r23Zx3
(Squad Force 3 – Johannes Bornlof)
(7:08): https://www.twitch.tv/thatstowelie
(Realm of Gabriel 1 – Patrik Almkvisth)
(8:20): https://www.twitch.tv/swatehs
(Staccato Guitars 1 – Jack Elphick)
(8:50): https://www.twitch.tv/iner_hs
(Heavy 80s Sleaze 10 – Victor Ohlsson)
(9:50): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNJ3FCDoL6Y
(I Am Superman 1 – Gavin Luke)
(10:38): https://www.twitch.tv/thijs
(Sea Adventures 4 – Johannes Bornlof)
(12:19): https://www.twitch.tv/thewarshack
(Cinematic Quest 4 – Johannes Bornlof)
(13:47): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5HeQ29ohu60PUIN8CZmqA
(Undaunted Warrior 4 – jOhannes Bornlof)
Outro Music Sound: Skyfall 3 – Johannes Bornlöf
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