Join Hearthstone Designer Peter Whalen as he discusses the kinds of devious devices that dwell within Boom Labs!
LEARN MORE about The Boomsday Project at: http://www.theboomsdayproject.com
The Boomsday Project card reveal livestream will begin at 10:00 am PT on July 23 at twitch.tv/playhearthstone.
Pre-purchase The Boomsday Project to receive a 50 card pack bundle, a random Golden Legendary card from The Boomsday Project, and the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back!
PLUS, you can also pre-purchase the new MEGA BUNDLE, which features an 80 card pack bundle, a random Golden Legendary card from The Boomsday Project, the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back, and a new Warlock Hero: MECHA-JARAXXUS!
Get both the pre-purchase AND the MEGA BUNDLE for double the value!
For a limited time, log-in after The Boomsday Project launches for three card packs and a random Class legendary minion card from The Boomsday Project!
The Boomsday Project releases August 7 2018 (PT)!
LEARN MORE about Hearthstone: https://www.battle.net/hearthstone/
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Hearthstone is Blizzard Entertainment’s highly acclaimed digital strategy card game that’s easy to learn and massively fun. Start a free game and play your cards to sling spells, summon creatures, and command the heroes of Warcraft in duels of epic strategy.