This list from Satellite is unexpectedly good. It’s a ton of fun to fill your hand with little mechs and then buff them up with a Glowstone Technician and create a colossal mech through magnetic minions. Skaterbot is no joke when its a 1 mana 3/3 with rush. This seems like the way that Call to Adventure was meant to be used! I don’t feel like the list is very refined, but it actually seems like a viable archetype.
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
Satellite’s Skaterbot Paladin: AAECAZ8FBvoG8f4CoIAD0YAD1pkDipoDDM8Gn/UCpfUC/PwC1v4C1/4C2f4C3f4C4f4CkYADzIEDtJsDAA==
My Lights: https://amzn.to/2IAFpAW
^affiliate link, I get a small % of money at not additional cost to you
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