Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we hop back on Dragonflight to progress out Shaman character through various M+ levels, acquiring brand new gear and also taking some time to start and also finish some awesome new achievements that give cool new rewards for our character as well!
Specifically, in this video we go up to a +9 completion on day 1 of the mythic+’s release on Dragonflight, complete the Honor our Ancestors achievement for an AWESOME new hearthstone transmog, and start (and nearly finish! we got time gated) the “That’s Pretty Neat” achievement for an awesome new title that very few people will probably ever go for! We also kill a rare during the progression of the “That’s Pretty Neat” achievement called Zenet Avis that drops a little egg that will hatch in 7 days and give me a really cool new mount!
Server: Emerald Dream
🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️
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