Level 260 Boss Rush in Hearthstone Mercenaries has been a fair bit more challenging than the previous weeks. Partially, that is because of the bosses. The first boss on the third day’s bounty is none other than Popsicooler, and Popsicooler has always been one of the more challenging bosses in the game. You need great upgrades to take it on easily, or a clever plan to take it on with low Renown – like this Infinite Roots C’Thun team that I built for the bounty!
00:00 Introduction
01:17 Popsicooler struggle
03:28 Popsicooler kill
09:47 Acolyte of N’Zoth
13:03 Mi’da, Pure Void
18:35 Empress Shek’zara and Shade of Aran
My channel provides all the information you need about the best Hearthstone meta decks, the best Hearthstone budget decks, and how to play Hearthstone and climb the ladder all the way to high Legend. I also create content about Hearthstone Mercenaries: the best Mercs, the fastest ways to grind, and the best comps to take on Heroic bounties.
This video is from the era of Year of the Hydra Standard format and March of the Lich King expansion.
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Not Battlegrounds gameplay. Standard gameplay and Mercenaries gameplay. Just Hearthstone gameplay. Hearthstone Top Decks, Hearthstone Meta Decks, Hearthstone Best Decks, Top Decks Hearthstone, Regis, RegisKillbin, Dekkster, Kibler, TrumpSC, Trump Hearthstone, Roffle, Thijs, Funki Monki, Rarran, Warshack, Roffle, Dane, Kripp, Zeddy, Nohandsgamer, Ecore 100, Ecore, Kripparrian, Savjz. A Broken deck needs nerf. The best deck climbs to fast Legend. Climb with off-meta meta-breaker decks for easy Legend. Ladder climb, Mercenaries. Mercs PvE Comp is so strong. Comps, Party. Parties for farming Heroic and Normal bounties. Bounty, Bounties, Farm. Farming tasks and quests for grinding. Grind, Grinding. #Hearthstone #OldGuardian #mercenaries